Bedford Electric rates
The rates published are for Bedford NH. Multiple rates from the same company differ due to the term of the lock in. Generally, the longer the rate lock, the higher you'll pay due to rising energy prices.Since "renewable/green" energy is mixed in on the same power lines, we don't break out which companies sell "green" power. Effectively, everyone gets the same electricity, no matter who you pay. What's going on here is financial traders buy power on the futures market (remember Enron?). These are called "Power Purchase Agreements". Effectively, you pay the markup on the energy. The trader hopes you're willing to pay more for "green" power. Therefore, these "energy" companies are pretty much trading desks. Most of these contracts have a termination fee.
$0.08820 Community Power - Town of Bennington
$0.08840 Community Power - Town of Amherst
$0.08860 Community Power - Town of Bennington
$0.08880 Community Power - Town of Amherst
$0.09425 Hampton Community Power Aggregation
$0.09890 Direct Energy Services, LLC
$0.09900 Think Energy
$0.09990 Direct Energy Services, LLC
$0.10280 Community Power - Town of Bennington
$0.10300 Community Power - Town of Amherst
$0.10490 Direct Energy Services, LLC
$0.10568 Community Power - Town of Jaffrey
$0.10568 Community Power - Town of Milford
$0.10568 Community Power - Town of New Boston
$0.10780 SmartEnergy
$0.10798 Hampton Community Power Aggregation
$0.10968 Community Power - Town of Jaffrey
$0.10968 Community Power - Town of Milford
$0.10968 Community Power - Town of New Boston
$0.11470 Town Square Energy
$0.11648 Community Power - Town of Jaffrey
$0.11648 Community Power - Town of Milford
$0.11648 Community Power - Town of New Boston
$0.11890 North American Power & Gas, LLC
$0.11930 Community Power - Town of Bennington
$0.11950 Community Power - Town of Amherst
$0.11990 ENH Power
$0.12390 Direct Energy Services, LLC
$0.12490 CleanSky Energy
$0.12500 Think Energy
$0.12500 Think Energy
$0.12590 North American Power & Gas, LLC
$0.12918 Hampton Community Power Aggregation
$0.12990 CleanSky Energy
$0.12990 Direct Energy Services, LLC
$0.13090 Direct Energy Services, LLC
$0.13290 CleanSky Energy
$0.13290 XOOM Energy New Hampshire, LLC
$0.13390 XOOM Energy New Hampshire, LLC
$0.13470 Town Square Energy
$0.13490 CleanSky Energy
$0.13500 Ambit Energy
$0.13540 North American Power & Gas, LLC
$0.13590 Direct Energy Services, LLC
$0.13590 XOOM Energy New Hampshire, LLC
$0.13648 Community Power - Town of Jaffrey
$0.13648 Community Power - Town of Milford
$0.13648 Community Power - Town of New Boston
$0.13890 CleanSky Energy
$0.13990 XOOM Energy New Hampshire, LLC
$0.14250 Ambit Energy
$0.17490 XOOM Energy New Hampshire, LLC
$0.18500 Ambit Energy
$0.18800 Ambit Energy
Updated: 03/30/2025 16:37