Welcome to Bedford New Hampshire!
This website is dedicated to you. Bedford is our local community. Times are radically different today; likely tomorrow will be very different than now. More than ever, we need to stand by each other.
Leading by example, BedfordNH.us was designed, built and hosted right here in Bedford. There are no ads cluttering your screen and using your data. The website adapts itself to any desktop or mobile device. The site is fast so you don't have to wait for your screen to become responsive. Our servers are green: they use less than 3 watts of energy, don't require air conditioning, hard drives, big cloud or foreign staff. Our site is safe: we encrypt our connection, do not track you and no tracking methods or analytics are used.
BedfordNH.us offers curated news all in one place, just for Bedford. We discover news from multiple sources such as the town, police, multiple New Hampshire news sites related to Bedford so you don't have to look all over the world wide web to find what you want.
Listen live to WBNH FM with live cover art, song names and no ads on your desktop and mobile device without needing to open different windows. We also live stream WMLL FM, WFEA, WGIR AM & FM with an ad free experience.
Watch live BCTV on your desktop or mobile device.
Save money by finding the lowest prices for gas, heating oil, electricity and more.
Bedford New Hampshire is fun! We've curated a list of daily events going on Bedford and in New Hampshire. There is always something to do.
This website was developed by Gilmore Software for residents and visitors of Bedford New Hampshire.
We are proud to live in this beautiful New Hampshire town.